Tuesday, December 14, 2004

letter for my mom

I have given you yet another heartache. I have broken your heart for the millionth time. I am sorry. You don’t deserve it, you don’t deserve me.

Thank you for the love you give. Tonight I am longing for the warmth of your touch, the haven that gives comfort to your little baby’s tattered young heart.

You said that I have become the source of your strength ever since the day dad went to join Him. Yet I never cease to commit infantile mistakes that weakens you and disappoints you. I just want to thank you for teaching me that love is a wonderful gift, you have generously offered your life for me.

Little mistakes, Greater Sacrifice. You have become the Perfect Mother once again.

Mommy I feel feeble tonight, I am missing him and dad once again. Now I understand how lonely you are, you’re Great Love had to leave to join his Creator, now I understand how you are yearning for I too am traveling the pathway you are walking through.

Thank you for silently and tirelessly loving me, I will see you soon. I can’t wait to feel your love once again, to feel your warmth, to fell my little piece of heaven here on earth. I love you.


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