Thursday, December 16, 2004

blanket of memories

(the blanket i made when i first broke my heart, we once shared its warmth together...)

last night i laid my sea, a blanket of vivid colors, i have captured the shade of the sea, the apple, the orange, the pearl garland, the sea foam, the eggplant, and the sun, i knitted them down, seizedthe beauty of the world to make up this blanket of memory.

i made this after the first time i broke my heart, the needle and the thread became my friends, they have helped me mend my broken pieces. they helped me make a web of memories and life, the ones we shared together, and now i offer you this blanket of conncetion, the connection we made before you drifted away from me...

i am laying this down, a sea for you to sail again and reach me. look at the colors, how vibrant they are, how happy, but look... feel... deep down they are loud colors screaming the vasteness of my solituted and yearning for you.

tonight i rest my tired body atop of this web i created and stared at the stars, hoping to see Hope. little slits of light, specks of life from the dead of night. they are signs i have had since the day we became one. and now that we are no longer that single body i am waiting for the little specks to come down and bring me back Hope, Life and You again.

as i prayed and spoke my language of silence i gazed at the sky,
STOP! my heart froze! a sign! a saw another sign... what does that mean this time?
STOP! my heart froze Again!
STOP! my heart froze Once More!
i was hoping for One but he gave me Three...

until then i should wait for whatever those signs meant...

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