Tuesday, November 23, 2004


i have recently realized that i am afraid of the Dark. Lately i fear the sunset, when the time of day comes when the sun and the open mouth of the sea swallows it, beautifully. of vibrant orange, yellow and purple. later Pink. a beautiful scene i look forward to when i go to the beach after i colect pretty sand dollars. i wonder if the mermaids sent them to me, for future use. when i'd finally give up my life on land, and finally let the waters embrace me, like i've always dreamed of. then i would buy a beautiful house of pink pearls beautifully decorated infront of the door. seashells of oceangreen, would be the color of the house, the tiles of the floor would be of bluish purple snails. pretty pink corals would be all over the house, and the roof, the house won't have one, i want it open for me to still be able to taste the sunkist rays of the yellow sun. after i furnish the house, i will call it a HOME. and i will wait for you to come back home to me. i would have you forever. no space, no time would exist for eternity would now be ours. but after the great love making of the sun and the ocean, DArkness engulfs the entire paradise i have created. Darker, Dareker, Dark. and as i look up at the sky, prayin taht light would exist again the clouds fail me. no stars, the sky, has died. like what is happening to me right now, i am dancing to the tune of death. and fear engulfs me, tears streaming down my cheeks, as hot as the lava from the volcano from hell. i am afraid for tonight and everynight since i've lost you, i never felt so alone. as the night grows darker, my tears flow stronger, creating an ocean of salt on my lap. as i stare at that ocean, i see my reflection of a lost love and a waiting soul. forever my love shall i wait for you. for now i have learned that love is a battle and i am a fearless soldier ready to fight. and as the sun slowly awake from the deep slumber with the ocean, as it starts to wave at the mountains, i am again prepared to face the battle. the battle called you.

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