Monday, January 17, 2005


i wrote him a letter...

hello! happy anniversary. i love you.

you know what i have so many stories to tell you. amzing ones that up until now never ceases to make me wonder how the world can bring you so many surprises.

you know what after several days of loving you in silence i have learned that through that sacrifice i have learned so much, about you and how much you have loved me, about my self on how mush i have loved you and have grown so much because of you. and about the world, that love can be in any form.

i miss talking to you. i miss the way you make me laugh and you make me smile. i miss everything about you. and most especially i miss us.

i wonder how you are right now. i hope you are doing fine. i love you! until we meet again...


Anonymous said...

... and hopefully when you meet again you are over him. You can smile and look him in the eye and be okay with what it was then and what it is now. Like our dear friend said, he probably is not thinking about you a quarter of the time you think of him. AND because of that "someday" you shall wait in hopeless vain? So what if that wait was a year from now... five years... 10 years? What will happen to your life in between? What pieces of that puzzle will fill in the void until this moment, until this "someday" will come (will it come)? Lucky man, while you are here waiting for him to grow up, you struggle to stay in one mind set of having him back. While he experiences all he wants to do in his single life, what are you doing? So how much have you really grown to realize that maybe he is a waste of time? If it is meant to be will it hurt you this much? Will you be writing a ghost whose idea of a relationship is definitely not in tune with yours? Where is the strong girl? The bitch that you were proud of... You owe yourself a smile. And in between that "someday," make sure its not wasted on waiting for someone who was too late overdue...

rhapsody said...

You talk about having learned "love can be in any form"... Seems to me though you've missed the most important form of love... Self love.

If you must hold on to the past like a crutch to help you walk till you've healed, at least try to look at it this way. Don't "miss" what you had, Ynna - CHERISH what you had. Honor the beauty of the past by keeping the memories beautiful, without the painful longings you now paint your past with. Cherishing the memories allows you to hold on to them and STILL move forward. Like keeping childhood pictures in your wallet...

"Keep your heart alive and love will arrive. Someday, someplace, sometime."

Rony (this is me!)