Monday, June 19, 2006


now before the weather starts to crack on my hands
before the leaves flutter to distance
the entirity of the universe shall be ours
for this hour shall be the 9th if not the last
soon you will walk down the sea to swim on another land

now before the sun rains with teardrops
before the current wash my heart
let the heavy heart settle on your palm
i'll make you a deal;
if you carry it i shall carry yours

now before i end this poem
before i cut my hands, and poke my eyes
i shall have a last look at your face
let me memorize every teardrop, every sweat
let me kiss you and say good bye.

1 comment:

anya said...

thank you dearest sister.. we're back to our worlds.. before.. remember what you wrote in my wall? "beautiful creatures under the sky crossing every road, swimming every sea trying to find Love in Any Form. In between living and dying (leaving and living) is Grey.. not too dark not to light for we dwell in the space together. Growing.. forever." and there we shall stay. You will always be with me... always always.tight embrace. I love you so much.