As I type, a gaping hole steers my chest in a sway that makes me so numb it hurts. You don't say goodbye to friends. You tell them you'll see them soon, or that they should take care of themselves, or that they sleep tight or have sweet dreams. You don't say goodbye to friends.
-from my friend Carlos Dominguez
hmmm... as i think of words to type down, just to describe what i am feeling right now, it sinks deeper,. it becomes a concrete truth... the truth about saying goodbye and letting go.
i have realized that a year in lawschool wasn't a waste after all. i have grown more, and i've learned to appreciate love more. i always say that i am excited to fall in love and break my heart, cause i believe that i write better when i have such an emotion. i thought that only a relationship with someone, a man to be exact is the only relationship that could break my heart. but i was wrong, i was wrong.... i've realized that you can also fall in love with friends. i fell in love with you guys. and it hurts to think that i can count through my figners the days left... we are about to begin a new chapter in our lives, and i am sad because i know that we have to go our own separate ways, we have different dreams to fulfill. all i know is that i will miss seeing you in class, chatting while reading those gigantic books, drinking coffee while attempting to have a mastery of the law. hmmm... and it gets heavier still.
i want you to know that you have become a very big part of my life,. thank you for being my source of strength when i feel like giving up, for boosting my ego whenever lawshcool steps on my head. the tears, the laughters will always be remembered. the beer and the pinapple juice will always bring back the memories we've shared. i will miss seeing you struggling to stay up late just to finish whatever it is we need to accomplish. i will miss being friends with you intelligent girls. thank you for welcoming me into your group.
ren: my drinking buddy. i will miss reminding you to suck your stomach in! and i admire your way of handling things, i hope you could pass that on to me :) i will miss hearing your crazy (sometimes vulgar) questions, in time you yourself would be able to answer them, just with the right person ok? thank you for your straight forward opinions, sometimes your bitch slapping comments really help. those foodtrips at my place. i will miss you ren. thank you for the love and care you've shown and given me. i will miss you stoic girl.
abby: the meanest girl (hehehe) thank you so much for unfolding the real you. i hope you'd consider me as a friend. cause that would really mean alot to me. i hope you know what i mean. thank you for always reminding us that we have to be responsible and of course kind, at times when we sulk into drifting apart from the real world. i will miss your "inhaling" giggles, i will miss your new pants and your expensive (U2) jacket. you are a living proof that not all women are the same. (hahaha for crying out loud) i just wish you'd be able to find the right man, the ultimate love perhaps. don't forget to invite me to your wedding and your first baby's baptism... ok? im really excited to see you with a husband and a big belly (not like ren's of course) but a belly with a baby. learning is fun.... that's one thing i've learned from you... and we should continue to make it as our mantra to achieve excellence.. right?
ice: i will miss our episodes! i will miss being strong for you, and telling you things, i myself sometimes fail to follow. those spur of the moment trips we make, making new memories from the "ex-infested" areas. those food trips, the up trips. i will miss our shopping sprees together. thank you so much for all the laughter and tears in time we will discover real truth and beauty. just be strong, you are on the right track, i wish in time you'd be able to solve all your issues in life.... find yourself a prince, you deserve someone better. im sure of that. i love you so much. the free rides, sigh the list goes on i guess what im trying to say is that im gonna miss being a part of your daily life. i will miss pushing you to go to class, or making you cry because of my ghost stories. ice sobrang thank you sa lahat lahat... mahal na mahal kita... :)
girls, take care ok... God Bless you always...
friends don't say goodbye... they say.... until we meet again.... (bittersweet)